Scientists work to help coral by introducing warming-resistant algae

With reefs facing increasing threats from warmer and more acidic oceans, researchers are looking at ways to help corals by introducing heat resistant forms of zooxanthellae — the symbiotic algae that provides corals with sustenance — according to an article by Juliet Eilperin in the Washington Post.  High temperatures cause corals to expel the algae, resulting in higher incidence of disease and death among corals.  Andrew...

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Symbiotic relationship between gecko and insect in Madagascar

BBC News highlighted an interesting relationship between a day gecko and a plant hopper insect in Madagascar.  Apparently the lizard signals for food which is provided by the insect. The lizard repeatedly nods its head at the insect, called a plant hopper, until it flicks over small balls of honeydew for the gecko to dine upon. BBC says that in return, the lizard may offer some form of protection for the plant...

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