Journalists being killed in West Papua – conservation links for Nov 11, 2010

West Papua: Journalists become targets for ‘playing with fire’ Scoop Media
Journalists are being killed or threatened with violence for reporting on business deals, the environment, and the West Papuan independence movement.

Setback Seen for E.U. Plan on Biotech Crops New York Times
BRUSSELS — An effort by the European Union to give power over biotechnology crops back to local authorities has run into serious legal problems.

France signs death warrant for the eel The Independent
Europe’s eel populations face being wiped out because France has refused to accept a continent-wide complete ban on the export of glass eels.

Danger: the world is on its way The Telegraph
For Paraguay’s “uncontacted” tribe of Ayoreo Indians, a proposed expedition by the Natural History Museum risks their being exposed to outsiders – and, worse, to “white people’s diseases”.