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2015 nature picture highlights

During the course of my reporting in 2015 I took nearly 20,000 photos. Here...

Photos from a few days in the Canadian Rockies

Over the Fourth of July weekend, I spent a few days in Alberta’s Banff...

The slippery politics of ‘sustainable’ palm oil (commentary)

Commentary by Laura Humes What is the last thing you ate? If it was any kind...

The Big Brown Spot: Southeast Asia’s ecological catastrophe (commentary)

Commentary by Ethan Lussky When looking at a satellite image of Southeast...

Running dry: water crisis worsens in Jordan as refugees flood in (commentary)

Commentary by Leo Kendrick We have all become familiar with headlines...

Photos from China’s tropical rainforest

In August I did a lecture series at Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden...

Gigantic Amazon stick insect (photo)

A gigantic stick insect in the Peruvian Amazon More photos of stick...

Portrait of a Turkana woman (photo)

A Turkana woman in Northern Kenya in 2007 More photos of the Turkana...

Orphaned orangutan (photo)

Baby orangutan orphaned by the palm oil industry when its forest habitat was...

Desert sand scape at dusk in Namibia (photo)

Desert sand scape at dusk in Namibia. More desert...

Ankarana sportive lemur (photo)

Ankarana sportive lemur in Ankarana National Park, Madagascar. A number of...

Plains zebra in South Africa (photo)

Herd of plains zebra in a private reserve near Kruger National Park, South...

Jaguar (photo)

Peru’s newest national park, Sierra del Divisor, provides habitat for...

Sunset over Utah (photo)

More pictures of sunsets from around the...

America is struggling to hold onto a vestige of its conservation ethos (commentary)

Commentary by Cyril Christo I am in favor of animal rights as well as human...

Giant monkey frog (photo)

The giant monkey frog of Peru is known for its mind-altering skin...

Jaguarundi in Costa Rica (photo)

The jaguarundi (Puma yagouaroundi) is a small cat that lives in a variety of...

Yawning lion cub (photo)

Yawning lion cub in South Africa. More pictures of...

A Salute to the Angels of the Sea, the Whale Sharks (commentary)

Commentary by Cyril Christo “I salute you ancient ocean. Answer me, ocean...

Turquoise river in the rainforest (photo)

River carrying glacier runoff in Washington State’s Olympic National...

Misty rainforest in Sumatra (photo)

Indonesia’s Bukit Tigapuluh National Park is one of the last...

Glow-in-the-dark mushrooms (photo)

Glowing mushrooms near the Kinabatangan River in Sabah, Malaysia. This...

White sand beach in Madagascar (photo)

Beach near Tampolo Marine Reserve on the Masoala Peninsula in Madagascar....

A bright orange bird (photos)

The Andean Cock-of-the-rock (Rupicola peruvianus) is known for its elaborate...

A strange lemur for Halloween (photo)

The aye-aye is one of the world’s strangest animals. Found only in...