Trailer: When Two World’s Collide (video)
When Two Worlds Collide (trailer) from Yachaywasi Films on Vimeo. The film follows the struggle of indigenous people to save their Amazonian home from the Peruvian government and industrial corporations, especially focusing on the role of Alberto Pizango, hero and leader to indigenous people, who was arrested last year in Peru for sedition and rebellion. According to the film’s website: “The hazardous journey of an...
“The Last Lions” trailer
Opening on February 18th, The Last Lions, a National Geographic film, follows a lioness and her two cubs’ dramatic journey of survival in the Okavango Delta of Botswana. Through the lions’ story the film addresses the catastrophic decline in lion populations across the continent, which have fallen from 450,000 to some 20,000 over the past 50 years. Shooting took place in Botswana over 7 years by veteran filmmakers Dereck...