Mennonite sect drives massive deforestation in Paraguay – conservation links for Oct 5, 2010
Chaco deforestation by Christian sect puts Paraguayan land under threat The Guardian
Hitler was said to have fled there, the Spanish conquistadores failed to penetrate it, and the only uncontacted tribe outside Amazonia lives within its borders. But now the vast Paraguayan wilderness of thorn trees, jaguars and snakes known as the Chaco is being transformed by a Christian fundamentalist sect and hundreds of Brazilian ranchers.
Declarations and Due Care: Insights from Another Lacey Case WRI
In November 2009, U.S. federal agents raided Gibson Guitar Corporation’s manufacturing facility in Nashville, Tennessee as part of an investigation into the illegal trade of a rare wood species allegedly used in some of Gibson’s musical instruments. Although the seizure made headlines, few people are aware that this was not the first enforcement of the 2008 amendments to the U.S. Lacey Act which banned commerce in illegal timber and paper products in the United States. There was one before it that has received little attention, until now.