Activism: nominate an Ocean Hero!

Green anemone at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Photo by: Rhett A. Butler.

Ocean conservation organization, Oceana, is asking for nominations for its 3rd Annual Ocean Heroes Contest.

According to their blog:

“Think of the person you know doing the most for the oceans — and maybe it’s yourself! […] Past nominees have included educators, scientists, fundraisers, activists, and that’s just a start. And like last year, we have two categories: Adult and Junior (18 years old or younger).”

There’s no question that the ocean needs heroes. The world’s oceans, and its wildlife, face significant pressure from a wide variety of human-caused problems: overfishing, climate change, pollution, acidification among others. From coral reefs to sharks to sea turtles, many species are vanishing at unparalleled rates due to these and other issues.

To nominate an Ocean Hero: Oceana Nomination Form.

For more information: Oceana Blog.

Author: jlhance

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