The Bee: A Natural History – book review
By Gabriel Thoumi Did you know… There are 20,000 species of bees on Earth. Bees pollinate 130 of the foods we depend on and are often the sole and only pollinator of the foods we eat every day. Bees and other animals cross-pollinate over 90 percent of Earth’s plants. Bees co-evolved, along with angiosperms – flowering plants – over 100 million years ago. Ancient Egyptians were avid beekeepers possibly as far back as 5,000 BCE – or...
Bumble Bees of North America – book review
By Gabriel Thoumi Bumble bees are remarkable. Domesticated bee colonies used for agriculture pollination is a global industry worth at least tens of billions annually. Roughly 20 percent to 30 percent of all food consumed in North America relies upon bumble bee pollination. About 80 percent of European crop species require insect pollination. In parts of China, because of the disappearance of bumble bees, pollination of apple and pear...