Wikileaks: The EU and Germany Are Failing to Lead on Climate Change
Perhaps, prior to the Wikileaks scandal, small island nations which stand to be deluged by rising sea levels might have looked to the
European Union and, specifically, Germany to provide leadership on climate change. Recent disclosures, however, have probably dashed any such hopes.
Far from looking out for the interests of vulnerable countries imperiled by global warming, the European Union has conspired with the United States to
limit the scope of climate change reform in international negotiations.
Wikileaks: From South Atlantic to South Pacific, It’s Open Season on Environmentalists
Though Wikileaks documents have illuminated the underhanded foreign policy shenanigans of governments world-wide, the cables also demonstrate that many states are intent on halting meaningful progress on the environment. Previously, I discussed how the U.S., as well as other emerging powers such as Brazil, sought to derail international climate change negotiations. In light of recent cables, however, it’s clear that these revelations merely represent the beginning of larger disclosures. From the South Atlantic to the South Pacific, governments are paranoid about environmentalists and worry that activists might get in the way of inhumane or polluting industries.