Carl Safina on the gulf spill (video)
Last month on the one year anniversary of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico (dubbed the US’s worst environmental disaster), author Carl Safina spoke about the impacts of the spill and the even bigger disaster that the media has overlooked. Safina has recently come out with a book called: A Sea in Flames: The Deepwater Horizon Oil Blowout. For a recent interview with Carl Safina: The ocean crisis: hope in troubled waters, an...
Polar bear family wakes up in oil construction site (video)
A polar bear mother and her cub wake from hibernation to find an oil construction site has been built around them as they slept. Built by the Italian oil company, Eni, the firm says they had no idea the animals were there. Work stopped and a biologist visited the site taking this footage. Once the mother and cub left, work returned on the site. Polar bears are threatened by declining sea ice due to anthropogenic climate change. Recent...
Bill McKibben at Powershift: “there is no one else: it’s you”
Bill McKibben speaking at Powershift. Selection from the speech: “Twenty-two years ago, I wrote the first book about climate change and I’ve gotten to watch it all, and I know that simply persuasion will not do. We need to fight. Now, we need to fight non-violently and with civil disobedience. […] One thing you need to make sure that you manage to get across in your witness is that you are not the radicals in this fight....
Power Shift activist: ‘there’s still [BP] oil on our coast’ (video)
An activist with Power Shift 2011 says BP not living up to its obligations one year after disaster. Activist from New Orleans wants everyone to know: ‘there’s still oil on our coasts’.
Trailer: When Two World’s Collide (video)
When Two Worlds Collide (trailer) from Yachaywasi Films on Vimeo. The film follows the struggle of indigenous people to save their Amazonian home from the Peruvian government and industrial corporations, especially focusing on the role of Alberto Pizango, hero and leader to indigenous people, who was arrested last year in Peru for sedition and rebellion. According to the film’s website: “The hazardous journey of an...
“I hope that I never have to see it again”: oil spill hits penguins on Nightingale Island (video)
Video documents the oil spill on Nightingale Island in the remote Southern Atlantic ocean, which has taken a particular toll on Endangered northern rockhopper penguins Over a week ago conservation workers have hundreds of oiled northern rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes moseleyi) after a cargo vessel wrecked on Nightingale Island, a part of the remote UK’s Tristan da Cunha archipelago. According to a press release by BirdLife...
Earth Hour on Saturday: will you turn out the lights?
A red sunset in Kenya. Photo by: Rhett A. Butler. On Saturday, March 26th at 8:30 PM lights will go out across the world in the 5th annual Earth Hour. Will you join in? To date this will be the biggest Earth Hour yet with 131 countries and territories signed up to participate on all seven continents. Yes, that’s right, people working in Antarctica will be turning out their lights too. “Earth Hour is a chance for people and...
Activism: oil in Virunga National Park
Note: does not endorse the action below, but believes its readers may be interested in taking action or discussing the issue in comments. Male gorilla in Gabon. Photo by: Rhett A. Butler. The government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is currently considering allowing oil companies SOCO and Dominion into Virunga National Park for drilling. Home to a quarter of the world’s mountain gorillas, as well as...
Activism: petition against oil exploration near award-winning marine reserve
Note: does not endorse the action below, but believes its readers may be interested in taking action or discussing the issue in comments. Leather back sea turtles are one of four marine turtle species in the Seaflower MPA. Photo by: Tiffany Roufs. The Providence Foundation has created a petition against oil exploration near, and perhaps even inside, Seaflower Marine Protected Area in the Colombian Caribbean. The park...